Integration center

Product Design | B2B SaaS platform | Research

Create a seamless, automated, and comprehensive setup process for administrators, and monitor their status continuously


Lookout - Enterprise team




Product Designer, Researcher

The team of 1 Product Manager, 1 Product designer, 1 Developer, Customer support, and Sales engineers


  • The visual hierarchy and the information hierarchy are not scalable for more integrations

  • In the absence of integrations, the page looks empty and uninspiring, resulting in low task completion rates

  • It is necessary to support a variety of integrations, so admins can easily identify what needs to be configured

  • There are no clear steps to follow and no feedback given during setup

  • As configuration steps are complex and tech savvy, customers rely on Lookout's Support and Sales Engineers for initial guidance


Before - Integration center page

Before - Integration detail configuration page



  • Provide an actionable integration center that provides guidance to administrators on how setup information can be found, how to configure, when renewals are due, and what is the status.

  • Improve the information hierarchy and infrastructure so that more integrations can be accommodated in the future



At the start of the initial project, I interviewed five support and sales engineers who are usually in charge of resolving integration issues and questions. Although the exact setup and its requests vary, there is a general pattern: MDM (Mobile Device Management) connection setup, device enrollment setup, sync up between platforms, notification, device group management.

The entire configuration has a specific order, but not all the forms are mandatory. Here is the setup pattern at a very high level:


By simplifying the design to a wireframe level, I was able to focus on reorganizing the information. As you can see below. There is a vertical navigation menu for global navigation and another horizontal tab system for navigating within tabs. Horizontal tabs are almost halfway through the width of the interface. In order to get to the right place during the initial security environment setup, admins need to navigate vertically and then horizontally.



I was able to pull things together quickly and get feedback from internal stakeholders because we have a design system established.

Final Design


All integration capabilities at a glance

The human eye is capable of quickly identifying familiar objects. If the administrator is currently using other mobile device management providers, they can spot them here quickly. Additionally, I categorize the vendors into categories, so if the list of integrations gets really long, the user can search by name or by type of provider.


Guidance along the way without being intrusive

In the sticky process menu on the right side, users can see where they are in the process and what to expect next. If users need additional assistance, a comprehensive walk-through and documentation links are available. Simply hover over the info next to each form for specific information.


Troubleshooting that is precise and specific

The administrator will receive feedback at each step, so they don't need to go back and hunt for errors after completing the entire configuration.


Clear integration status

A connected integration will appear at the top of the integration center page so administrators can easily find its status.


Example of integration setup

During the process of redesigning the integration center and working with the customer-facing team, we realized there were still many obstacles and setup complications outside of the Lookout product, so we documented the process for each Mobile Device Management integration. The video below demonstrates the integration process between BlackBerry Unified Endpoint Management and Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security.

(Watch the video at 5:30 to see the updated design)



Since the design was released, Lookout has grown 5 more integrations and the system has proven to be scalable for both large and small businesses.

Unfortunately, I do not have data for the exact task completion rate, but we receive both excellent feedback from the internal support team and external customers. One of the sales did mention this to me. "Thanks for the redesign! I noticed there were fewer complaints and questions regarding the MDM setup"


The configuration process is too complex and technical. This is a technical constraint that requires the industry to work together to overcome. After the redesign, some customers still need to rely on documentation links, videos, and customer support to set up properly


Lessons Learned

  • Hearing feedback and observations from customer-facing staff is really helpful. Even better, the team should hop on the phone with customers to get feedback firsthan